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PanoRadar Sensor
Panoradar Safety Sensor for detecting all people and objects set on a wrist of co-bot
PanoRadar Sensor
Panoradar Safety sensor for detecting all people and objects set on a wrist of co-bot without any blind spot.
Key Feature
- Ultra-wide bandwitch FMCW Radar sensor
- Presence detection / Segmentation / Motion / Tracking / Speed detection
- Range resolution: 3cm
- Proximity distance: Max 9m
- 360 degree FoV omni-directional object measurement without blind spot
- Enable a safe human-robot collaboration environment
- Applicable to many equipment
(Industrial Robot / Co-bot- AMR- Industrial Automation- Quadruped Robot- Humanoid Robot)
Panoradar safety Sensor with UR10 cobot
협동로봇 UR10에 장착된 작업 안전용 레이더 센서 조감도 Panoradar safety Sensor with UR10 cobot
Panoradar safety Sensor with UR10 cobot
협동로봇 UR10에 장착된 작업 안전용 레이더 센서 Panoradar safety Sensor with UR10 cobot
Panoradar safety Sensor with cobot
협동로봇에 장착된 작업 안전용 레이더 센서 조감도 Panoradar safety Sensor with cobot
Panoradar safety Sensor with UR10 cobot
협동로봇 UR10에 장착된 작업 안전용 레이더 센서 조감도 Panoradar safety Sensor with UR10 cobot
Panoradar Sensor
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