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6 axis F/T Sensor

The world's smallest 6-axis force / torque sensor 

Miniature 6 axis Force Torque Sensor (AFT-Mini)

The world's smallest 6 axis force / torque sensor 
robot force / torque sensor
| Gripper
F/T sensor
force torque sensor
| Haptic device
torque sensor
| Robot hand
| Medical device
force torque sensor
force torque sensor

​Miniature 6-axis F/T Sensor

<KC Registration Number>

This is suitable for mounting on the gripper's tip end to handle irregular objects
such as food, rubber, and plastic injection-molded product without causing damage.

Applicable to VR, haptic devices, and medical fields as well. 

※ Key feature

  • 6 axis F/T Sensor with a very small size 

  • All-in-one type with all circuits integrated (no need for additional amplifiers or separate measuring equipment).

  • Durable and resistant to external impacts.

  • Multiple sensors can be mounted and secured simultaneously.

  • Excellent environmental resistance 

  • 4kV discharge test passed & CE, KC, FCC, RoHS certification

※ Application Cases

Force Measurement Device for Orthodontic Aligner with miniature 6 axis F/T sensor
Miniature 6-axis force torque sensor
AFT MINI (Miniature 6-axis Force Torque Sensor)
Demonstration of Miniature 6-axis Force Torque Sensor, AFT20-D15
Demenstration of Miniature 6-axis F/T Sensor
Example of Cobot Finger-tip sensor (Miniatutre 6-axis Force-Torque Sensor)


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※ Specification

onrobot force torque sensor

※ Blog



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