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6 axis F/T Sensor
The world's smallest 6-axis force / torque sensor
Miniature 6 axis Force Torque Sensor (AFT-Mini)
The world's smallest 6 axis force / torque sensor
| Gripper
| Haptic device
| Robot hand
| Medical device
Miniature 6-axis F/T Sensor
<KC Registration Number>
This is suitable for mounting on the gripper's tip end to handle irregular objects
such as food, rubber, and plastic injection-molded product without causing damage.
Applicable to VR, haptic devices, and medical fields as well.
※ Key feature
6 axis F/T Sensor with a very small size
All-in-one type with all circuits integrated (no need for additional amplifiers or separate measuring equipment).
Durable and resistant to external impacts.
Multiple sensors can be mounted and secured simultaneously.
Excellent environmental resistance
4kV discharge test passed & CE, KC, FCC, RoHS certification
※ Application Cases
※ Specification
※ Blog
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